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Accounting program for factories and laboratories
An accounting program for factories and laboratories that includes production accounts and industrial costs
The accounting program for the accounts of factories and laboratories is prepared and dedicated to following up all accounting operations for factories, from the beginning of the accounts of raw materials, through the costs of production and manufacturing operations, to the points of sale and distribution. The system includes personnel affairs and contains accounting reports for industrial activities. All this is in addition to the fact that the accounting software MADAD is compatible with all the requirements of the electronic invoice and is approved by the Zakat and Income Authority. All the previous features made Medad the best Arabic accounting program for factories with an easy and bilingual interface.

In addition to general Medad characteristics, a set of features have been developed that help in managing results, including:
Defining the components of the item once and the current cost of the components is calculated with the issuance of the manufacturing bond automatically.
Calculate the final product cost automatically, including any other expenses other than the cost of raw materials.
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